Rip Torn, an Emmy Award-winning actor, might be heading to the jail house. On Wednesday, a judge ruled against his request for a special probation program, stating the charges are too severe to qualify him. Earlier this year in January, Rip Torn was arrested for breaking into a bank in Connecticut, armed and intoxicated.
Criminal charges on Rip Torn
Elmore Rual Torn, Jr., better known as Rip Torn, has had various alcohol-related troubles within the past. The latest drunken incident took place in Salisbury, Conn., where Torn was arrested for allegedly breaking into a local branch office of Litchfield Bancorp during closing hours while loaded with a firearm without a permit. Police were quick to respond to an alarm that went off at the bank location. The Men in Black actor was found wandering inside the facility holding a loaded .22-caliber pistol. According to court records, Torn had a blood-alcohol level of 0.203, almost three times the lawful limit for Connecticut drivers.
According to the Associated Press, Torn has pleaded not guilty to second-degree criminal trespassing, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, carrying a weapon without a permit and third-degree criminal mischief.
Other incidents related to alcohol
In early 2004, Torn was arrested after his automobile crashed into a taxi within the Big Apple. Aired on television news was an angry Rip Torn cursing at police officers and refusing to take a breathalyzer test. He was acquitted from all charges in October of that year. Two years later, in December of 2006, the actor was arrested again for drunk driving in North Salem, New York, after crashing into a tractor trailer. He pleaded guilty to the charges, temporarily lost his driver license for 90 days and was told to pay a $ 380 fine.
Judge denies Rip Torn’s special request
Sadly for Rip Torn, there is no special treatment for the Hollywood acting professional. Litchfield Superior Court Judge James Ginocchio has rejected his proposal, saying the charges placed on 79-year-old Torn are too significant to qualify him for the accelerated rehabilitation program. Torn was nevertheless in a court-ordered alcohol education program from a previous DUI charge at the time of the bank break-in, and that fact certainly doesn’t help his situation. His lawyer has requested a court-ordered evaluation of Torn’s alcohol dependency troubles, and depending on the results, Torn could be ordered to go through a state-monitored treatment for up to two years before any charges might be dropped.
Yahoo News
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