Numerous people keep track of cars that are stolen often. This is to help knowing which cars to stay away from buying. There is a list of the most popular cars to steal kept by many. One of these places is the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. One of the most stolen cars for the year was released on a list. This list comes from the IIHS. It is kind of surprising but not to any thieves.
Top car is the Escalade
Car thieves love to steal Cadillac Escalades more than any other vehicle. The Escalade has been number one on this list in six of the IIHS reports. The Escalade gets stolen way more than any automobiles. To be precise, about seven times more. Anti-theft features are really installed in the vehicles quite a bit. Car thieves just tow them away to stay away from these. The Escalade, vs. other SUVs like the Land Rover, is more glamorous making it a target. The full report is accessible on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety website.
Car thieves considered to be raccoons
Bright and shiny things are what raccoons tend to be interested in. There isn’t actually any facts to prove that; nevertheless, there is proof that car thieves like cars that are quite shiny. The IIHS report typically has the same old cars. These consist of luxury SUVs, luxury cars and full-size pickups. The most stolen autos are listed below:
- Cadillac Escalade
- Ford F250 4 Door
- The Infiniti G37 2 door is the next car
- Dodge Charger HEMI
- Then there’s the Chevrolet Corvette Z06
- Hummer H2
- Nissan Pathfinder Armada
- Chevrolet Avalanche 1500
- Now there is the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew
- The GMC Yukon is tenth
Thieves want performance cars, luxurious SUVs and big pickups. Trucks also often contain tools, which sweeten the deal for a car thief.
You would not believe what other list these cars are on
There is an additional list these cars are all on. The Forbes list of Worst Made Cars on the Road has the Escalade and Ford F250 on it. The bottom line, nevertheless, is this: if you need your risk of theft to be minimal, a flashy show of status is something you might want to avoid. Go ahead though if you have cash to buy a new car.
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