Illinois, California, and Massachusetts have all shown cases of the superbug NDM-1. This can be a superbug a British medical journal had brought up last month and has entered the United States of America now. Many think the bug must have come from India. This makes sense since all 3 people with the disease had earlier been visiting India. British citizens had been trying to get cheap plastic surgery in India when coming home with the superbug which is why initially, the NDM-1 was blamed on health related tourism. Scientists now have a feat of NDM-1 becoming an issue within the whole world. This is because none of the American superbug victims were medical tourists. Source of article – Superbug from India on worldwide tour arrives to infect U.S. by Personal Money Store.
Superbug cases in United States look to have come from India
All cases of the superbug infection in the United States and Canada could be traced back to those getting medical care in India. According to Red Orbit, there was a woman in California that got NDM-1. While in India, she got in a car accident and had to receive medical care. The man in Illinois who got the superbug also had a medical problem. He had a urinary catheter for medical conditions that were pre-existing when traveling in the country. In Massachusetts, a woman from India had surgery and chemotherapy there before traveling to the United States. All of the victims survived although the superbug would not die with antibiotics that are meant to treat drug-resistant infections. A Belgian who had been hospitalized in Pakistan after an automobile incident was the first known death from the NDM-1 superbug.
Could the superbug be a global threat?
Lancet, a British medical journal, recorded all cases of Britons who went to India for cheap plastic surgery and came home with cases of NDM-1. Scientists within the article explain the gene that NDM-1 is mutates bacteria so it can start to resist all bacteria. CBS News reports that bacteria carrying the NDM-1 gene are widespread in India. The NDM-1 gene is being shown other places to be increasing. These places include Bangladesh and Pakistan. The superbug is hitching rides worldwide with people going to those undeveloped nations.
India is overpopulated
Medical specialists attending an international meeting of microbiologists and doctors in Boston this week are very concerned about NDM-1, particularly because of its prevalence in India. The Boston Herald talks about antibiotics in India. Evidently you can get them over the counter for cheap prices. Inappropriate use spreads drug resistance among deadly bacteria. Germs grow within the gut which is why NDM-1 spreads easily places there is poor sanitation. Timothy Walsh, one of the authors of the Lancet article, told the Boston Herald that the overpopulated, unsanitary conditions in India are likely to make the superbug spread widely. Although one or two antibiotics can actually work for the superbug, you will find nevertheless more that are needed to fight it.
Further reading
Red Orbit
CBS News
Boston Herald
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