Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tea Party Senate candidates unelectable as marketed

The GOP benefited from Tea Party activism in the 2010 elections, but the party also paid a price. Tea Party frustration had been spanned by the Republican organization into an endorsement for the minority party . Nevertheless, a trio of politically inept Tea Party candidates spoiled the GOP’s chance to seize the Senate.

GOP gets a Tea Party Gift

In 2008, there wasn't much going on when it came to the Republican base. The base got much bigger though for this election because the Tea Party had been kicked into gear. There was a lot of anger associated with it. This made more people anti-democratic. There wasn't that much of a complete republican triumph though thinking about numerous were more willing to vote in those with questionable character than those who were actually good individuals.

Tea Party pros and cons

The Tea Party helped Republicans gain 60 Congressional seats, the biggest swing by a major party in the House since 1948. 46 seats in the Senate were kept by republicans following the election. An undecided vote was expected to go Democratic. That's what had been expected to take place in Washington. Republicans might end up with 47 seats as long as write-in Lisa Murkowski doesn't beat out Tea Party candidate Joe Miller, who had bodyguards handcuff a journalist once. The Tea Party hurt the GOP a bit though. 50 seats would have gone to them otherwise.

Maintaining Tea Party candidates from being chosen

There were Tea Party candidates within the senate races. That was the plan all along. What occurred was expected thinking about the Republicans said that the individuals were unelectable. The democratic incumbent in CO beat the Tea Party candidate. This means Ken Buck was not as successful as Michael Bennet. Last summer Buck said, "because I do not wear high heels" as the reason people should vote for him. In Nevada, embattled Democrat Harry Reid very easily defeated Tea Party candidate Sharon Angle. Angle is noted for saying she was anointed by God to run for the Senate, among numerous other outrageous remarks. Christine O'Donnell was within the Senate race in Delaware. Palin had been involved in making her lose it to Chris Coons though.

Articles cited

Washington Post

New York Times


Talking Points Memo

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